No window covering can mute all noise but Hunter Douglasoffers a wide selection of options that will absorb sound, taking you one step closer to a quieter, more peaceful home.
We’ve listed the six most sound absorbent Hunter Douglas window covering styles starting with the most effective.
But stay tuned – we saved the best trick for last!
Honeycomb Shades
Hunter Douglas Honeycomb Shades, also known as Cellular Shades, such as Duette® Honeycomb Shades, are effective at reducing noise because of their honeycomb shape. These shades can absorb up to 60% of sound, depending on the fabric selected.
Double cell shades, pictured below, provides an additional layer of protection.
Roman Shades
The fabric that makes up Hunter Douglas Vignette®Roman Shades helps reduce sound, with the thickest fabrics being the most sound absorbent.

Hunter Douglas Vignette® Roman Shade. Material/Fabric: Pampa. Color: Chia.
Pleated Shades
Pleated Shades provide insulation, which blocks out noise and helps with energy efficiency, but pleating is not as effective at absorbing sound as the Honeycomb cell structure.

Hunter Douglas Pleated Shade. Fabric/Material: Palazzo. Color: Ash.
Hunter Douglas Pleated Shade. Fabric/Material: Luxe. Color: Angora. Opacity: Semi-Opaque.
Functional shutters such as Hunter Douglas Heritance®, NewStyle® and Palm Beach™block out noise when closed, but some open shutter angles can magnify noises as sound bounce off the slats.

Hunter Douglas NewStyle® Shutters. Fabric/Material: Hybrid. Color: Parchment. Mount Type: Outside Mount. Size: 3.5″.
For the most noise reduction, add another layer of absorption!
Two window coverings provide more sound reduction than any one covering could on its own, and it’s a stylish look.
Adding a privacy or blackout liner, drapes or curtains will help reduce noise more effectively. The more dense and thick the material, the more noise it will block.
Drapes & Curtains
Drapes and curtains absorb sound because they are made out of fabric. The thicker the fabric and the more that fabric is spread across the window, the better drapes will be at noise reduction.
Hunter Douglas Silhouette®Window Shadings. Fabric/Material: Originale™. Color: Cloud. Opacity: Translucent. Mount Type: Inside Mount. Size: 4″.
The most sound absorbent window covering combination is thick drapes layered over Hunter Douglas Duette® Honeycomb Shades.
The honeycomb cells trap light and uv rays in addition to sound, so if you opt for cellular shades, you will also benefit from better light control and insulation from hot or cold temperatures.

Hunter Douglas Duette®Honeycomb Shades. Product Style: Architella®. Fabric/Material: Reception. Color: Willow. Opacity: Semi-Opaque. Size: 3/4″.
For additional sound reduction, add sound-absorbing furnishings in the room, such as carpet, area rugs and upholstered furniture.
To control single or layered window treatments more easily,Hunter Douglas PowerView Motorizationoperating system can be added, allowing you to raise and lower coverings from a remote, tablet, phone or voice command.
For customized guidance from a Hunter Douglas window treatments expert, schedule a free in-home consult with JC Licht.
We look forward to helping you!
Sound absorption is just one of11 major considerationswe recommend making before investing in window treatments. You can learn about the 10 other considerations, byclicking here.