Your home’s decor is one of the most important facets of your daily life. Your living space should be a reflection of who you are as a person. Finding a design for your home that resonates with you and your personality is as easy as checking out this helpful infographic!
Learn interior and exterior painting tips and tricks from the experts at JC Licht. Interior tricks include creating visual interest, painters tape and keeping the room's function in mind. Read more for exterior tips!
Painting your home is an inexpensive and simple way to change the feel of your living spaces. However, when it comes to choosing a particular color, choose wisely, as there are often psychological influences that occur.
If you’re a homeowner, especially a new homeowner, then you’ve probably contemplated the decor of the walls in various spaces in your home. One thing you probably haven’t considered is wallpaper!
House painting can be a daunting task when considering the infinite options for home renovating, including paint color, room theme and maintaining an ideal home atmosphere for family and guests. The interior paint brings together a room’s style, as furniture, linen and wall décor colors and styles are revolved around the idea that less is more.